Posts 26.1


Who are the  two linguistic philosophers  that semiotics is developed from? The two Linguistic philosophers that semeiotics is developed from are De Saussure and pierce Which  French ‘Structuralist’  recently developed this media concept? The two methods The French Structuralist that recently developed this media concept is called  Roland Barthes, which was developed in the 1960s. Describing the TEXT is called The starting point Myths and associations with the TEXT is called   Connotations What quest is at the heart of the semiotic approach? Identify the factor that is given for readings of a media texts that determines the variety of meanings it can give? What word is given for OPEN TEXTS ? The word given for open texts is called Polysemic   Popular and mass culture e.g. mass media texts are known as closed texts. _________ where words, captions or logos are used to direct a reader towards a particular meaning. __________ is

The Theory Of Flims 26.1

Introduction.   Throughout this report I will be discussing and analysing two different film theories by two different directors. The two theories that I will be discussing will be Brokeback Mountain and Charlie and the chocolate Factory.  I will also be analysing the lighting, colours and casting. Brokeback mountain. The director of Brokeback mountain, Ang Lee, is considered as a Queer filmmaker because the movie Brokeback mountain. This is because it is about two masculine cowboys that are both homosexual. which is a counter stereotype, because usually the audience would have expected one feminine male and the other to be masculine.  Queer theory films are based on the LGBTQ+ community. This film was produced by Diana Ossana and James Schamus. Brokeback mouton was released in 2005, it is a Romantic Drama film. It was based on a fictional story that was slightly expanded from the original which was based off a book, by  Wyoming  Stories,  whom i

radio advertising

Cassandra Rodgers  45.A Radio Advertising. There are many different purposes to commercial radio. Fundamentally, gaining revenue is the primary purpose of commercial radio, which is done in many different ways. For example, advertising, selling newscasts i.e. BBC News sells their newscast to kiss or capital, which they play every 30 minutes. Additionally, commercial radio gains profit via user involvement; for example, radio stations host events, competitions that involve audiences texting, tweeting and calling in. There are three main regulators who concern themselves with commercial radio, they are: OFCOM, ASA and Radio Centre. I n this report, I will be analysing two contrasting radio advertisements and depicting their styles, structure and purpose's. My first radio advertisement I will be looking at is produced by Think, it was released 5th February. It is called Leisure Drivers. The message of this advertisement focuses on the subject of driving whilst being o

notes A2

video blog 7mins max use subject terminology to describe styles, conventions and techniques such as conventions, ( 5 strong terminology) study cam, tracking shot, D- explicit examples terms - product placement. eg. Diet Coke in lady gaga chromakey  _______________________________________________________________________________________________

harrys hw 500 words

Introduction  I am going to write about what I’ve learnt and I will be giving evidence. The Ten Media Sectors 1     Film (Moving images) 2     TV 3     Radio (Audio) 4     Interactive Media (Website) 5     Publication (Publishing) 6     Press (Magazines) 7     Gaming (video games) 8     Marketing (Adverts) 9     Animation      Photo-imaging GENRE Genre is French for  type . There are 5 different types of genres, which are  Cross-over genre,  which is when a movie contains more than one genre, e.g. Wonder Woman contains  action ,  romance  and  fantasy . Which is the same as  Hybrid genre .  Intertextuality – Intertextuality is an audio or a visual that an audience expects in a particular genre, like for example in a romantic film you expect to see flowers and classical music, e.g. a violin, piano and so on. intertextuality is also when a film uses products that are already made, e.g. the big bang theory, the main actors watch Sta

Purposes Of Commercial Radio

Cassandra Rodgers Btec Media level 3, unit 45 commercial radio Fay Stowe Introduction In this essay I will be talking about three different purposes of commercial radio and I will be giving  examples. 1.  One of the main reasons of radio commercials is to make money for other radio stations, " Commercial radio stations, as the name suggests, are funded by the sale of advertising"   (2015) Another purpose is to attract a target audience.  The advertise curtain radio commercials which are targeted at their audience like for example they would advertise Nike on the radio or new pop songs to attract teenagers and people that love Nike or pop songs. Another good example would be a radio channel that advertises spots, which would attract people that have a deep love for sponsor would like to know the winners of a curtain game. By radios advertising it also makes their target audiences go out and buy the products that are being advertised and to also let them know that t