The Theory Of Flims 26.1


Throughout this report I will be discussing and analysing two different film theories by two different directors. The two theories that I will be discussing will be Brokeback Mountain and Charlie and the chocolate Factory.  I will also be analysing the lighting, colours and casting.

Brokeback mountain.

The director of Brokeback mountain, Ang Lee, is considered as a Queer filmmaker because the movie Brokeback mountain. This is because it is about two masculine cowboys that are both homosexual. which is a counter stereotype, because usually the audience would have expected one feminine male and the other to be masculine. 
Queer theory films are based on the LGBTQ+ community. This film was produced by Diana Ossana and James Schamus.

Brokeback mouton was released in 2005, it is a Romantic Drama film. It was based on a fictional story that was slightly expanded from the original which was based off a book, by Wyoming Stories, whom it was written by Annie Proulx. The collection was finalist in the 2000s, and screen-played by Larry McMurtry, who is an American novelist and Dianna Ossana who is an American writer that specialises in writing screenplays. 
The budget used to make this film was around 14 million U.S Dollars. Brokeback mountain was listed on many critics top ten (40). The production company was called River Road entertainment.

When the film was released on the 9th of December 2005, (I n New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco), taking $547,425 in five theatres its first weekend.

The music used in 
Brokeback mountain was by Gustavo Santa Olalla. The album was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards and best original song ("A Love That Will Never Grow Old") in Brokeback mountain there is audio used, like for example the music played in Brokeback mountain is non- diegetic. The music is played in certain moments and scenes to express the emotions that the characters are feeling. 
dialogue is also used expressively to convey emotions, director Ang Lee displays this in the scene where Ennis finds out that Jack is dead, the tone of his voice is completely different because his voice shakes when he speaks, this helps the actor portray his character in this scene successfully.
The lightning used in Brokeback mountain was realist and dull because of the place it was set and the weather they were in. The lighting was meant to show and create that type atmosphere to its audience. e.g. In the scene when Ennis is shown shivering because of how cold it is, the lighting reinforces the how cold it is. This is used so that the audience can relate and understand how Ennis feels. The written and spoken language were in English (American).
The genre of Brokeback mountain was a romantic drama film. The two main actors were Jake Gyllenhaal (Jack Twist) and Heath Ledger (Ennis Del Mar).

In the begging of Brokeback mountain, the face expression Jake twist made showed the audience that he found Ennis, who was the other cowboy already attractive but didn't make it so obvious. This scene was to indicate to the audience that this film was going to be a Queer Film and to introduce the main character as a homosexual male right away.


The narrative of this film was all about two men that fall in love whilst doing their job on Brokeback mountain. at first one of the men (Ennis) didn't like the fact that they were having an inappropriate
relationship so they had lots of physical fights which then showed the audience that they are both masculine. As the show progresses Ennis stays the same but his love develops and they continue their affaire for 20 years in secret at broke back mountain even though they have married and have children. but with a plot twist at the end when one of the characters die. A lot of the people who watched this were very disappointed with the ending because it was unexpected and sad.

When jack come back into Ennis life, which was a visit, Ennis facial expression shows how happy he was to see jack again and can't control how he feels and starts to show his affection and happiness to jack by kissing him very passionate. The camera angle that was used when Ennis saw his old friend (Jack) was a closeup angle. This was to show the farcical expression Ennis was making, it was to show the audience that he was extremely happy to see Jack again after so long.

At the end of the film Jack Twist died. When Ennis found out he had thoughts of what may have actually happened to him, which was shown the audience. 
The editor used affects to show the audience what Ennis was thinking.

Charlie and the chocolate factor.

The director of Charlie and the chocolate factor, Tim Burton, is considered as an Auteur filmmaker because he uses similar ideas and actors in most of his films, like for example, Charlie and the chocolate factory, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Halloween and Dark Shadows, (etc) have one thing all in common, which is the main actor. Who is played by Jonny Depp. Also, in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Charlie and the chocolate and Alice throughout the looking glass use HelenaBonham Carter 
Charlie and the chocolate factory was released on the 29th of July in 2005 (United States) (July the 10th Graumans Chinese Theatre) and was based on a book written by Roald Dahl. it was produced by Brad grey and Richard D Zanuck who are both American producers.  the screenplay was written by John august who is a screenwriter, novelist and director. Charlie and the chocolate factory were narrated by Geoffrey Holder, edited by Chris Lebenzon.   

The narrative of this film is about a young boy who is very poor, who lives with his family. he gets lucky and finds a gold ticket. there are five tickets in total around the world and he got one. he then goes to the chocolate factory who is owned by Willy Wonka and ends up vs-ing 4 other children for the special prize. He wins and becomes the new owner of willy 
winks chocolate factory. 

Charlie and the chocolate factory were produced by more than one production company, which were; The Zanuck company, plan B Entertainment and Village Roadshow pictures, and them distributed by the Warner Bros. pictures. 
the budget for the film was 150 million U.S dollars. the spoken and written language off this film was both in English. The first countries the film was released was in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia.

In Charlie and the chocolate factory the camera angles Birdseye view and close ups are used quite a lot, like for example when willy Wonka gets flash backs, the camera closes up to his face, so that the audience can see willy winks face expression, to show that he is spaced / zoned out, that he forgets where he is for a minute.  

When Willy Wonka has a flashback there are different types of special affect used to make it look like he actually had a flash back.  one is more of a dreamy affect and one is like a swirly affect. the director then edits and jumps into the past. 

Charlie and the chocolate factory use bright colours when they enter into willy winks chocolate factory to show that it is a beautiful place and that everyone would love to be there. The use of bright colours differs from the colour outside of the factory. This is to show that outside the factory is dull, borings and lifeless and that inside of the factory isn't boring. This also links in with the lighting used in this film, to make the outside look dull they useful darker lighting and when in willy winks factory the lighting is more saturated. 

Charlie and the chocolate factory use the save exact character for more than 20 people, which are casted to be the Oomph Loompas, the actor who was cast to play as the Oompa Loompa is Deep Roy

To conclude this report, I have spoken about the camera angles used, lighting, facial expressions and editing affects. I have analysed the filmography, casting and the theories of both of the films.


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