harrys hw 500 words


I am going to write about what I’ve learnt and I will be giving evidence.

The Ten Media Sectors

1   Film (Moving images)
2   TV
3   Radio (Audio)
4   Interactive Media (Website)
5   Publication (Publishing)
6   Press (Magazines)
7   Gaming (video games)
8   Marketing (Adverts)
9   Animation


Genre is French for type. There are 5 different types of genres, which are Cross-over genre, which is when a movie contains more than one genre, e.g. Wonder Woman contains actionromance and fantasy. Which is the same as Hybrid genre

IntertextualityIntertextuality is an audio or a visual that an audience expects in a particular genre, like for example in a romantic film you expect to see flowers and classical music, e.g. a violin, piano and so on. intertextuality is also when a film uses products that are already made, e.g. the big bang theory, the main actors watch StarWars and wear Marvel and DC clothes, this also helps people by their products.

Post Modernism is also one, post modernism is when you take bits of other ideas/things that already exist to create something new. 

Sub genres are genres that come under a genre for example the main genre would be thriller and the sub-genre would be Zombies.

The two types of interviews

The first type of interview is called structured. This means formal, well presented and prepared.  Most interviews are like this.

The second type is called Unstructured. This means informal and is more like a conversation.

Two different types of research and data research  

Quantitative – facts and figures and open and closed questions (yes and no questions) and uses numbers. E.g. Are you okay? Yes or no? 

Qualitative - views and opinions, for example interviews.

Primary research – Also known as first hand, e.g. focus groups, interviews and questionnaires.

Secondary research – Also known as Established, e.g. Websites, books, Articles and surveys 

I’ve also learnt about Primary audienceand Secondary audience. E.g. Lion King was an animation film made for families and children, the primary audience of lion king would be the children that are watching and the secondary audience would be the parents watching it with their children.

Music Videos

Music videos where made to give their audiences gratification also known as audience pleasure. Music videos give gratification by creating escapism for their audience, using ideology by the fashion and style, which connects to branded fashion (fashion placement) like Nike and Adidas. Which also helps the company sell their products cause the people watching the music videos will be influenced to buy them because they might be into the same fashion or really into the artist wearing them. Innovative, (new things that no one has seen before)

 Purposes of music videos is to give visual representation and to promote bands, to promote artists. 

 Music videos and music in general that are pop, rap, drill and so on are made for working class people because they are more into that type of music. The people who make the music or produce the music are middle classed because that have lots of money. Music such as rap and pop are made for working classed people because working classed people need a repetitive beats and rhythm to enjoy it. Like for example choruses. Whereas the elite classed people listen to classical music which is not repetitive.

Media representation is to do with how the media presents meaning about life/ the world and then they re-present it in an easier way for people to understand it and make sense of it.


Stereotyping is an important concept in terms of representation.
Stereotypes are assumptions that are held about a social group 
There are two different types of stereotypes in media and they are called Negative and Positive stereotypes. Not all stereotypes are about people. It can be about places and animals.   

Positive Stereotypes examples – all Indians are good are cricket, Black people are good at spots, Paris is the city of love, which indicates that paris is a place where people fall in love. 

Negative Stereotypes examples – most criminals are black, all serial killers are Muslims. 


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