Purposes Of Commercial Radio

Cassandra Rodgers
Btec Media level 3, unit 45 commercial radio
Fay Stowe

In this essay I will be talking about three different purposes of commercial radio and I will be giving  examples.

1.  One of the main reasons of radio commercials is to make money for other radio stations, "Commercial radio stations, as the name suggests, are funded by the sale of advertising" 
 (2015) Another purpose is to attract a target audience.  The advertise curtain radio commercials which are targeted at their audience like for example they would advertise Nike on the radio or new pop songs to attract teenagers and people that love Nike or pop songs. Another good example would be a radio channel that advertises spots, which would attract people that have a deep love for sponsor would like to know the winners of a curtain game.

By radios advertising it also makes their target audiences go out and buy the products that are being advertised and to also let them know that there is a sale, which again makes them go to the shops or buy them online before the sale ends.

Another good purpose of commercial radio is that they tell you where you can get the products being sold/advertised by giving their audience the name of the website, the location e.g south london, east london.

By advertising on the radio it is more likely to be heard almost everywhere instead of going out and reading a news paper.  it also helps the people that are blind to know whats being sold and where they cane get their products. It also helps the people that can read.

Selling Newscasts is also another purpose of commercial radio. selling newscasts is when a radio station sells their news to other radio stations, which comes back to money because they get money from the radios buying their news. like for example kiss and capital buy their news from BBC1 , so that they don't have to go out and get their own new independently. This is also because kiss and capital isn't a radio station for news but for music that attracts teens and young adults.

2. To reach as many buyers as possible, the heavy buyer, the light buyer and the none buyers, which can become a buyer at some point if their products are interesting to them.


3 purposes of commercial radio 
advertising artists
selling newscasts
events, calling texting tweets

2 regulators 

of com -
ASA - relate to codes such as use of children, use techniques as watershed, They can edit it aswell.

radio centre - view scripts

fair play when two different advertises are against each other but treat each other with respect

3 codes - 

- use of children ( merit give eg add media terms such as watershed to make sure to play it after 9pm so it doesn't offend children, politics , FairPlay, ethics )

3 word rul
1. informing  2. persuade
3. sell

humour, animation, shock, series, sex, intertextuality, stereotype.

- can like to stereotypes, playing with words.

characters  - voice of child
narrator - narrative
sound- non-diegetic , which links to narrative
music- instrumentals


informing you that you might be driving too fast ( statement) rhetorical questions

persuade- creating a scenario, stripped back

sell-"think" ( play on words)

repetition is really effects when an advert is played twice in the ad break

persuasive devices - narrators, characters, sound (instrumental non-diegetic)


5 most important things humans need in life to be happy.

1. physiology needs
2. safety needs
3. love and belongings
4. esteem needs
5. self actualisation


when making an advert you need to consider when making your own adverts are;

  •  Is it suitable for children? If not then air it after 9pm, this is because children will be asleep at this time.
  • It will not involve bad language even if its for adults, it will be suitable for all ages. 
  • it will involve adult humour such as children humour so it can be shown at anytime of the day.
  • actions to prevent offence is to hand out questionnaires to see what people find offensive or not.

step by step 

how to make a complaint to ASA about an advert that has offended children.

1. Go on to their website

2.  go and click on to the make a complaint and tell them when and where you saw and found it, a photo or screenshot if possible and a few minutes to fill the form.

3.  tell them how what was offensive about the advert like for example if there was bad explicit language used, if there was violence.

Oprah Winfrey -

Oprah Winfreys speech is very well presented, she speaks very clear, with no trigger language when she pauses. she makes eye contact with her audience. her body language is positive.


  1. Very good effort and good use of citing your work , I can see you have tried to utilise this here. You are on the right track with most of the purposes. All purposes relate to raising revenue however, make sure you do your research with components I.d. advertising and how it actually makes the stations money. Main purposes: advertising, seasonal awareness, events, sponsorships, selling newscasts, syndication. Have a look at week 4 on the blog for extensive coverage.


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